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We design seed technologies based on the machines of our German partner PETKUS Technologie. The sorting tables are designed for sorting grain according to specific weight. We offer a variety of models which we will perfectly match to the customer's needs.


Stół sortujący
  • capacity up to 10 t/h
  • segregation by specific weight
  • Adjustment of tilt, air flow and vibration frequency
  • easily and quickly exchangeable table
  • even air distribution thanks to built-in fan
  • innovative table surface with modified vibration sorts heavy and light products, medium fraction is skipped
  • touch panel and remote operation

Gravity separators sort by specific weight. Seeds and commodities can be cleaned of mycotoxin-infested grains, insect-damaged or broken grains and impurities such as stones.

Modern, intuitive software guides the user through recipe management, airflow control, table tilt adjustment and eccentric speed.
