ZUPTOR feed silos are designed for storing mixed feed and bran. They are indispensable for poultry, pig and cattle farms.
ZUPTOR feed silos are designed for storing mixed feed and bran. They are indispensable for poultry, pig and cattle farms.
The design of the silo ensures high strength and durability of the silos. The bottom of the silo is a conical hopper, which guarantees very efficient unloading of the grain by gravity.
Okrągła część cylindryczna wykonana jest z podwójnego płaszcza blachy ocynkowanej, dodatkowo z zewnątrz pokryta powłoką chroniącą przed niekorzystnym oddziaływaniem wody i wilgoci.
ZUPTOR feed silos are designed for storing various bulk materials. They can be used individually or as part of a process line, and do not require housing or a roof.
They can be equipped with a simple and quick system for loading and unloading the contents. They are used by livestock and agricultural farms.